Introduction Pumpcontroler

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Last modified: 8 May 2023

Equflow B.V. is supplying a new pump control system, developed in cooperation with Watson Marlow, suitable for adjusting and controlling metering pumps in a batch- and/or flowprocesses. Metering pumps including Peristaltic- and Membrane pumps now are able to dose liquids with high accuracy, controlling and and proces safety.
A high resolution, accurate PFA (Teflon) or PVDF turbine Flowmeter measures the fluid flow and transmits data to the Pumpcontroller. An easy calibration setting on the controller is available for outstanding measuring results.
Comprehensive tests shows that an accuracy of up to 0,2 % is possible.
If a flowmeter mounted in a main liquid stream is available, proportional dosing of additives to a mainstream is another possibility.
The controler has control channels for 2 pumps. Ethernet USB communication is available asare other communication standards on request.

The system consists of a S/601 pump controller and a PFA (teflon) disposable turbine Flowmeter. Due to the unique interchangeable/replaceable properties of the flowmeter, the system is also suitable for single-use applications.
Because of the Ultra low-mass of the turbine rotor, a pulsating flow produced by some metering pumps, will be followed very accurately.

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Equflow BV

Manufacturer and supplier of PVDF, PFA and SS Turbine (single use) flowmeters, flowswitches and related products such as signalconverters, batch- and flowcontrollers, totalizers and dosecomputers. Due to the quality of... Read more